ok! Dim sum is one of the biggest dim sum distributor in Malaysia.
Our company are well experiences on distributing and selling the dim sum. We have a lot of choices and top quality dim sum.
ok! Dim sum currently already have branches in all cities in Malaysia.
A Tiny Seed is planted
In early May of 2010, there are brothers and sisters sat having a breakfast together in Johor.
During the breakfast one of the brother come up with one idea to setup a family business. At first no one interested with the idea but after hearing the explanation, they agreed to start work the idea.
Business is a new thing in the family because before this, all of them are just working with the government. So this is a new challenge for them.
It was in that breakfast sessions that the seeds of ok! Dim sum were planted.
What tree?
The decision was made to start a business, but what business?
The elder sister come up with the sugestion to start in the food industries. Suddenly dim sum has been choosen by her since it's they breakfast that morning.
Nurturing growth
Months of planning went into ok! Dim sum.
And on the business plan, a modest target of 3 branches within 3 months had been set.
Even with those targets, there were skeptics, not least the two initiators.
ok! Dim sum was launched on 19th May 2010 and within the first week, had opened up 3 stores and more than 20 agents.
There are promising opportunity waiting for the company to go.
The best is yet to be.